So I haven't ditched the blog or moved onto other types of books. I've just moved again, and the place I'm at has no internet...yet, and I'm still learning the area. Probably tomorrow there will be a little write-up about the Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula LeGuin. It won't be a proper review, because I don't want to write about each individual book, but I do have some opinions I want to express :) Also, I just finished Tad Williams The Dragonbone Chair and I'm super stoked. I think it was Graeme that recently did a few write-ups about this series, and I want to say thank you! Anyway, good day, and I hope to be up on the web a little more regularly...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Turn Coat Release Date and Cover Art

So it is probably well known by now that Turn Coat by Jim Butcher will be released on April 7th of 2009, but this cover art just came out :) The artist Chris McGrath posted it on his website recently, and I just got wind!
My thoughts? I totally dig it. This cover is way more detailed than any of the previous Dresden volumes I've dug into...and I totally dig the sword! Fidelacchius? I don't know. But Butcher is the flippin' bomb for releasing his books one year apart. I mean, every December I get to lose myself in the newest adventures of Tavi and Kitai (Codex Alera), and each spring there is a new Dresden Files. What more can I ask for? Perhaps an ARC for Princeps' Fury :) But we'll see if that ever happens...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
In the Usual Manner
So I've had Pixie Warrior in the currently reading section for quite a while now, and I think its time to stop trying. I'm not enjoying the book very much, which is sad because I usually try my best to like books. Someone, in the case Rachael de Vienne, spent a significant portion of her life writing that book...But I just can't do it. Anyway, Pixie Warrior, my deepest apologies to you but I'm letting you go.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Welcome to the Jungle Comics #1, #2, #3, #4

Codex Alera by Jim Butcher is one of my all time favorite series, fantasy or non, and I have been known to own a Dresden book or few... So when I stopped by Outer Planes Comics & Games in Santa Rosa to buy #'s 2 and 3 of Butcher's four part comic book series Welcome to the Jungle, it was only slightly out of character.
Unfortunately volume 1 sold out early, so I wasn't able to pick it up with volumes 2 and 3. But I just bought it at the Dabel Brothers website for a few bucks more than the original price.

Also, according to #4 of 4 will be released next week on Wednesday July 23, 2008. Hopefully they will carry it at my local comic shop, otherwise I'm gonna have to hit up Dabel Brothers again...
I just pulled this off of
"In the city of Chicago, wizard for hire Harry Dresden switches from hunter to hunted as he continues following the trail of a supernatural killer haunting the Lincoln Park Zoo. The stakes increase and the tension ratchets higher as monstrous assassins and dark magic claim more innocent lives. Dresden must survive the killer's onslaught and turn the tables, and fast, before the body count rises -- and before the killer can reach her ultimate goal. Written exclusively for comics by Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle is a brand new story set in the world of the bestselling series of novels, The Dresden Files, that's sure to enchant readers with a blend of gripping mystery and fantastic adventure!"

So far I'm really diggin' the new Dresden medium. I've always imagined the Dresden Files as comic books rather than novels just because of Butcher's fantastic visuals, so its pretty fun to see some Harry-kick-ass pictures. The T.V. show was swell, but there is no way any television show could present the same amount of action and entertainment as the books. I'm thinking that the comics are doing a better job keeping up the wow factor. I must say, Ardian Syaf's illustrations are impressive.
Also, kudos to Butcher for setting Welcome to the Jungle before any of the previously written Dresden Files books. There would've been a lot of panting and pacing in my house if he tried to make this part of his current sequence.
Now that Dabel Brothers has made an inconsequential Dresden story very successful, they're going to take on Storm Front, the first Dresden Files novel. They have my thumbs up.
(Yeah I know the of the post is pretty lame, it would be a lot easier to just say the graphic novel...But I'm not talking about the graphic novel, I'm talking about the comics. So don't fret it.)
Jim Butcher,
Release Date,
Welcome to the Jungle
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Last Wish Book Review

Andrzej Sapkowski
First of all, thank you Orbit Books for sending me this book. It is probably my favorite book I've received in the mail since I started this blog.
So, here it goes...
(Check out the Of Blog for a good summary)
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski is a collection of six short stories, connected by a seven piece framework which begins, ends, and separates each of the shorts. Really, I didn't know what to call the short segments in between the stories, but I read some other reviews and the word framework sounded cool. So today we call it framework.
If I treat each story like a book, judging them individually, and separate from their "sequels" then A Grain of Truth, A Lesser Evil, and A Question of Price are cuts the rest. But I don't want to focus on each individual story, the reading just didn't go that way for me.
Instead, I read a whole book with a collection of stories that at the end, left me with a sense of rightness--not a sense of righteousness like I feel after reading Feist or Eddings--but more like the feeling I get driving by the three old guys sitting on their wall, or laughing at the probably homosexual man stopping at a green light to smile at me. It is just true.
I totally dig the whole collection of short stories thing. It reminds me a lot of books I read in school by Annie Dillard and Lewis Thomas. True, it doesn't really help the book's wholeness factor, but I'm not disappointed. It kind of made Geralt mysterious and handsome, or so it goes. And those scenes in the framing sequences with him at the monastery with all of the peacefully beautiful women didn't exactly work to divert that impression either.
Also, I'm freakin' glad Sapkowski saw fit to add the framework into the book. I feel like that was the most moving part of the novel. In fact, my only real complaint for the book would be the (totally overlookable) lack of grab me by the cajones material. The book was leisurely and humorous, witty and well written. But it didn't push me, pull me or move me anywhere. The framework being the most riveting part of the novel was a little weird to me...
Even so, it was totally worthy of my time. I'm totally hoping Orbit publishes more Andrzej Sapkowski, if only so I can learn a little more about the mysterious Geralt de Rivia. Rumour has it they are publishing The Blood of Elves sometime next out :)
Check out more The Last Wish reviews at:
Of Blog of the Fallen
The Wertzone
Fantasy Book Critic
Pat's Fantasy Hotlist
Friday, July 04, 2008
Wow, I had to say something... Its been a little while since I have posted because I've been in Lake Powell with my family. But I'm back in time for the 4th of July block parties. I finished The Last Wish, but other than that I didn't get to do too much reading. So expect a review in the next two days, and then maybe another in the middle of next week.
Luckily I did see Wall-E the night before my birthday :) It exceeded my expectations, and I am glad we saw it. I think I enjoyed it even more than my 9 year old niece... It's my impression that adults will enjoy Wall-E a little more than kids because of the lack of dialogue, but even so, Wall-E is definitely worth seeing on the big screen. Happy Independence Day to y'all!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dark Lord Book Review

Dark Lord
Ed Greenwood
Falconfar Book One
Ed Greenwood
Falconfar Book One
Imagine you are about to die, and then imagine the sort of book you would write; it is your last chance to leave an impression on the world, a token of sorts. You probably wouldn't want it be like Dark Lord. I know you probably wouldn't even write a fantasy novel, i mean, nobody but Robert Jordan (may he rest in the eyes of the Creator) writes a fantasy novel on their deathbed, but give me a little break. I'm pointing towards quality people, I don't really care too much what sort of book you would write.
The fact is, that book was mediocre. Please don't get me wrong, it definitely served in battling my boredom, but I'm probably not going to remember anything about this book in a couple years.
My favorite part of Dark Lord is the world of Falconfar. I like the way Greenwood describes Falconfar as the setting for books and a videogame of which the main character, Rod Everlar, is the creator. His castles and forests and sunsets do stand out vividly, and I almost wish this was a videogame. I guess that isn't all too surprising considering Ed Greenwood is the creator of Dungeons and Dragons, but still...
Oh, I almost forgot. The art: I dig it. :)
I really liked the characters, and the world, and even the slightly overused plot. It just feels like Greenwood put in a less than 100% effort. So, if I ever find myself in the situation where I need a book, I think I will pick up the sequel, but in the meantime I'll just keep workin on my ever-growing reading list.
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